每天为医生和护士提供数小时的现场 OET 考试准备课程,使用 SET English。在家学习并从我们在英国的专业 OET 老师那里获得实时指导、反馈和评估。一边工作一边学习!
OET Choose Skill
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OET Doctor Intensive
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Formerly of TTM English, Alain and Paul are now with SET English! Nothing is different. We still offer hours of unique live courses near you because we provide online home study! Above all, we are a school. Every day, we invite our students to participate live interactive courses and training! We know the names of our students and we provide coaching support you through your exam experience.
SET English 提供您附近的优质 OET 课程,因为它们是在线课程。 SET English 将提供帮助、支持和专家指导。我们是交互式 OET 考试课程的官方提供商。你还在等什么?如果您正在英国寻找附近的 OET 课程,请立即加入 SET English