Combining scores - everything you need to know!
For more information on the NMC's accepted English tests, check out our article here
What is 'banking'?
In order to make the registration process more accessible for applicants, the NMC started accepting a combination of two separate IELTS or OET tests. It can be really useful for some applicants who don’t get the required score in one test but it isn’t very flexible, so you still should always aim for your best score!
How does it work?
The truth is, the process is quite complicated at first but there is a quick way to understand if you can ‘bank’.
Ask yourself these two questions:
1) Are my scores taken from two tests in a twelve-month period?
2) OET: Have you achieved the following at least once across two tests?
Listening B (350)
Reading B (350)
Speaking B (350)
Writing C+ (300)
3) Do I have any scores below C+ in Reading, Listening and Speaking? DO I have any Writing score below C?
If the answer is ‘yes‘ – congratulations! You have banked your scores and you can continue your NMC registration.
If you haven’t achieved the minimum scores in each module, you cannot bank.
SET English offers excellent exam preparation for OET. Check out our OET programs here.
If you have any questions, just send the team a message here.
SET English Team