Watch an OET Class...

SET English classes are all live and very interactive! We offer between 3 and 4 hours of unique classes every day, Monday to Friday, and all classes are recorded so you can watch them any time. Our lessons are just like a real classroom: all students are invited to put on their microphones and answer questions. To speak with the teacher and discuss!

When you study with SET you get 3 to 4 hours of UNIQUE live classes like this every day, Monday to Friday. If you would like to join SET English, you can check out our products here:









You can access SET English's full OET Key Skills course completely free! This course includes some of our best tips, training, and classes! All you need to do is click the button below and register!

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Our OET Preparation includes complete OET Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening Courses, including our new OET Express courses! OET Express courses are direct and clear. Each video is short and aims to answer a clear and precise question. See below for an example of SET English's latest course:


What is OET Express? At the start of each video, the teacher will pose a question and then try his best to answer it. The videos start off simple and develop your knowledge: each video builds on the last! The aim of the course is to build up your knoweldge slowly and steadily until you feel confident about what OET expect in the exam.


If you would like to join SET English, you can check out our products here: