Full OET Mock Test

Full OET Mock Test

Try our full 3-hour OET mock test with teacher plus exam report, including:


  • After you purchase, we contact you to arrange time.
  • On the day of the mock, you will go into Zoom and do an OET Speaking test.
  • We will then send you materials for Writing, Listening & Reading.
  • You must complete the tests within the time.
  • We will then write a report with your results & recommendations.

✔ 1 Complete OET Mock Test

1. Book your place using our mock test calendar.

2. Attend on the day and do a full OET Mock Test: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. Quality materials and reliable assessment from specialist teachers.

✔ Full 3-Hour Test with Teacher

  • First, you will complete an OET Speaking Test with Specialist Teacher
  • Next, you will be given high quality Listening, Reading and Writing materials
  • You can print these on paper if you prefer or view documents on screen.
  • Submit all tests to our special mock test email address
  • We respond with full exam report and advice

✔ Quality Exam Material

If you are not happy with the quality of our exam material, let us know and we will give you a full refund.

✔ Official OET School 🎓

SET English is recommended as an official provider by OET on their website: find out more.

✔ Full Exam Report

After you finish all 4 of your tests we will email you an exam report with:

  • Scores
  • Strengths/weaknesses
  • Recommendations about exam date

Recommended exam date...

Based on the results of your test, SET can provide a recommended exam date. We will tell you if we think you are ready and suggest a necessary study period if not.

Regular price £45.99
Regular price Discount price £45.99
Exclusive discount - short time only Sold out

⚡ Guaranteed 7 Day Refund

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